课程大纲: Advanced Financial Repoting 1.Regulatory and Conceptual Framework1.1 Regulatory Framework1.2 Conceptual Framework1.3 Applying Conceptual Framework1.4 Introduction to Audit 2.General lssues in FR2.1 Presentation of Financial Statements2.2 Accounting Policies,Estimates and Errors2.3 Operating Segments2.4 Events after Reporting Period2.5 Interim Reporting2.6 The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange 3.Non-current Assets3.1 Properties,Plant and Equipment3.2 NC Asset Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations3.3Investment Properties3.4 Intangible Assets3.5 Impairment of Assets3.6 Borrowing Costs 4.Other Accounting Standards4.1 Revenue4.2 Financial Instruments4.3 Income Tax4.4 Provisions and Contingencies4.5 Employee Benefits4.6 Government Grants4.7 Statement of Cash Flows 5.Business Combination and Consolidation5.1 Business Combination5.2 Consolidation Principles5.3 Intra-group Transacions5.4 Non-Controlling Interests5.5 Equity Method5.6 Associates and Joint Ventures
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